The Kidneys’ principal role from a Chinese Medicine standpoint is to store and release an Essence called “Jing” (精). The role of Jing is to govern one’s growth and development as well as reproduction. The Kidneys are also considered to be the root of Yin and Yang for all other Organs and all the Yin and Yang energies of the entire body. It also control the “body water” metabolism.

The Functions of the Kidney
- The Kidneys are also considered to be the root of Yin and Yang for all other Organs and all the Yin and Yang energies of the entire body. Therefore, Kidney Yin and Kidney Yang are also called ‘Primary Yin’ and ‘Primary Yang’. Kidney Yin provides the material foundation for Kidney Yang, while Kidney Yang provides the driving force that transforms Kidney Yin. Since they have the same source, they are interdependent. Therefore, the reduction of one leads to a Deficiency in the other.
- Zang Organ
The TCM Kidney Functions
- They govern birth, growth, development and reproduction
- It houses the foetus during pregnancy
- They rule water
- The Kidneys produce Marrow and control bones
- They control and promote reception of Qi
- They open into the ears
- They control the lower orifices
- They manifest in the hair
- They house Willpower (Zhi – 志)
- They are the Gate of Life (Ming Men – 命门)
- They are affected by fear
Main Symptoms
- In case of Essence Deficiency, some symptoms appear such as improper bone formation, retarded mental or physical growth, delayed sexual maturation, premature aging, infertility, sterility or impotence.
- Essence declines with age, therefore over time physical and mental abilities decline such as sexuality, fertility, hair growth, skin smoothness, memorisation, and so forth.
Patterns of Disharmony
1. Kidney Essence Deficiency
- Kidney Essence (Jing 精) Deficiency usually involves Deficiency of Kidney Yin and, to some extent, Kidney Yang. Its signs manifest in relation to growth, development, reproduction, sexuality, bones, marrow, the brain, teeth, memory and hair. Poor hereditary constitution in children, aging, excessive sexual activity and Kidney Yin or Yang Deficiency over a prolonged time may lead to the decreasing of Kidney Essence.
- In children, this pattern is almost always caused by a hereditary weakness. It can be due to parents being too old or in poor health at the time of conception. The typical manifestation is poor bone development and late closure of fontanelle. It is because the Essence is essential in generating Marrow and nourish the bones. For the same reason, this pattern can lead to bones softening as well as knees and legs weakness for adults. When the Deficient Kidney Essence fails to fill the brain with Marrow, the symptoms of retardation for kids as well as poorer memory and decreased mental sharpness for adults may be observed.
- The Essence is also responsible for the hair growth. Therefore, lack of Essence gives rise to hair lose or premature greying of hair. Finally, the Kidney Essence is the essential element in term of healthy sexual function. Therefore, this pattern causes all kinds of sexual inability for both women and men as well as infertility and sterility.
2. Kidney Qi Not Firm
- This pattern is also called ‘Lower Original Qi (元气 Yuan Qi) not Firm’, to show that it is also caused by a shortage of the Original Qi. When Original Qi is weak in the Lower Burner, Qi cannot hold Body Fluids which leads to many ‘leaking’ symptoms of the sperm, vaginal discharge, or urination. When Kidney Qi and Original Qi are Deficient, the Kidneys cannot provide enough Qi to the Bladder, hence the urine cannot be held and this causes frequent urination, incontinence, enuresis, weak-stream urination and dribbling after urination. When Kidney Qi is weak, it cannot hold the sperm or vaginal secretions in women, which leads to spermatorrhoea, premature ejaculation, chronic vaginal discharge and nocturnal emissions without dreams. The nocturnal emissions are without dreams because they are caused by a totally Qi Deficient situation, the sperm leaks out because Kidney Qi cannot hold it in. If nocturnal emissions happen at the same time as some vivid sexual dreams, this indicates some Empty Heat within the Kidneys arousing sexual desire. ‘Leaking’ is one of the two typical characteristics of this pattern. The other one is its ‘Cold’ symptoms like lower back pain sore and weakness, feeling of cold or cold limbs. It is because Qi is also a type of Yang element.
3. Phlegm in Kidney or Gallbladder
- According to Chinese medicine, gallstones or Kidney stones are a form of Phlegm. It is the consequence of Phlegm left untreated in the Gallbladder and the Kidneys. Over a long period of time, stagnant Dampness can give rise to a large amount of Heat which then dries up Body Fluids and solidify Phlegm, resulting in the formation of stones. In the same time, there will be urination related symptoms. The patients might also suffer from back or abdomen pain as the Phlegm disturbs the normal circulation of Blood and Qi.
4. Kidney Qi Deficiency
- Kidney Qi Deficiency is a pattern of disharmony in Chinese Medicine. Chinese Medicine views the human body as a complex system that tends toward harmony. A pattern of disharmony is a disorder that prevents that harmony from occurring. Patterns give rise to symptoms that may at first glance seem unrelated from a Western standpoint but that actually make a lot of sense when one understands Chinese Medicine theory. For instance, here Kidney Qi Deficiency gives rise to such diverse symptoms as diminished hearing, dizziness, tinnitus and back pain (as well as four others). To diagnose a pattern, analyzing a patient’s pulse as well as their tongue is common practice. In the case of Kidney Qi Deficiency patients tend to exhibit weak (Ruo) pulses.
5. Kidney Yang Deficiency with Water Overflowing
- This pattern is a severe case of Kidney Yang Deficiency and necessarily a very chronic condition. This is both a Deficiency and Excess pattern, the Excess part being the accumulation of Fluids. It occurs when Kidney Yang fails to transform Body Fluids (since the Kidneys “rule Water”) which accumulate under the skin to form edema. It also often causes water retention in other Organs, particularly the Heart and Lungs. If it affects the Heart, the patient will also have symptoms of palpitations and cold hands. If it affects the Lungs, symptoms will include coughing with a thin watery frothy sputum, which is indicative of the presence of Phlegm-Fluids formation.