Deal with stress, pain,
and fatigue that may accompany
a chronic illnessss
Opening Hours
Mon to Thur: 10am to 7.30pm
Sat: 9.30am to 6.30pm
Closed on Friday, Sunday & Public Holidays
Appointment Required

Chronic Illness Treated
Rehab Treated
Women’s Health Treated
Pain Issues Treated
医者仁心 ~ 中西不变
Si En Medicare⁺ aims to empower all our clients and physicians with uniqueactionable genetic data for holistic TCM Treatments enabling smarter lifestyle choices.
At Si En Medicare⁺, Our Integrative TCM approach alleviates problematic illness and symptoms; improves your health holistically and helps to sustain a better quality of life. In addition, our treatments also aim at supporting and enhancing your body’s natural healing abilities
中医治人 – 西医治病 | 五脏应季 – 防病未然
中医是治疗得病的人,西医是治疗人得的病,中西医结合见病知源,思恩整体医学还原您的健康。确定病症为实症或虚症为首要之务, 否则后面任何治疗都不会准确有效。

Si En Medicare⁺ Approach Integrative Medicine as a Vital Component of Patient Care
The landscape of medicine has been progressing toward a more holistic and individualized approach to healing through better integration between western and alternative forms of medicine, a concept that has been described as “integrative medicine.” Integrative medicine is the treatment of patients through spiritual, emotional, mental, and environmental in addition to the physical means. The general principle is that all aspects of the patient are considered in treating illness, which include natural and less invasive alternatives when possible.
Specific techniques can include acupuncture, TCM nutritional advisement, mind-body therapies, and holistic massages. However, the treatments are still rooted in scientific medical discovery and inquiry. Indeed, research and scientific investigation of efficacy are prevalent and an important guide of this integrative treatment approach.
China Medical University – Si En Medicare+ has three collaborative TCM Clinical R&D unit at Novena Medical Center enabling you to benefit from CMU’s deep TCM clinical expertise
Feel free to initiate a conversation with our highly qualified and experienced physicians to obtain comprehensive information,
answers to your queries, and valuable insights regarding your health and well-being.
Essence of Life
Personalised Holistic Precision Medicine for a better Health
Family history has traditionally served as a proxy predictor of disease risk in patients. Chronic diseases are medical conditions that are generally progressive. These lifelong conditions, which include heart disease, diabetes, stroke, and asthma, can be managed with simple lifestyle changes. By learning about genetic influences on common diseases and identifying disease-associated gene loci, holistic TCM preventive medicinal care enables you to take an active role in disease prevention.
幸福就是,我們都把自己照顧好 能陪你走到根源的未来,只有健康。
Know your family history. It could save your life.
The 11th revision of the World Health Organization’s (WHO) International Statistical Classification of Diseases and Related Health Problems (ICD) now include Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) which will come into effect on January 1, 2022.
The WHO ICD is a standardized system of alphanumeric codes for diagnoses for epidemiology, research, and medical related cataloguing by the WHO. The latest revision incorporates TCM diagnoses components, such as qi deficiency, damp heat, and liver qi stagnation. This inclusion will now link traditional medicine practices with global norms and standard development.
Make an Appointment For Consultation Now!
Consultation with our professional and experienced physicians.
The Modern Science of Integrative
Traditional Chinese Medicine
The essence of Integrative TCM focuses on the effective pairing of TCM treatment practices alongside evidence based western medicine for managing chronic conditions and preventive medicine.
We help optimize your health and wellness through a three-prong approach by supporting and complementing biologically base therapies; TCM Pharmacology prescriptions and the use of most suitable TCM treatment modalities for our patients.