Global Partnerships

Making Global Connections and Strategic Partnerships

Si En Medicare+ engages internationally. 

We strive to develop active partnerships with higher education institutions and organisations around the world to connect Singapore’s TCM community with academic and professional development opportunities, including faculty exchanges, professional and executive development, industry partnerships and student exchanges.

The Office of the Chief Executive assists with the expansion and ongoing support of international partnerships for the Si En Medical Group.  For partnership opportunities and collaboration opportunity, please email gm@sientcm.com.

Active Partnership & MOUs

  1. People’s Republic of China

    MOU with Nanjing Traditional Chinese Medical University

  2. Philippines

    MOU with University of Makati, Philippines

  3. Taiwan

    MOU with Taiwan China Medical University (Si En TCM Medical Clinic Pte Ltd)

  4. Taiwan

    MOU with Taiwan China Medical University (Si En Medicare+ Pte Ltd)

  5. Hong Kong

    MOU with Hong Kong Tung Wah College (Si En Medicare+ Pte Ltd)

Si En Health Group Strategic Business Development Unit

  1. TCM GMP Medication Production

    OEM Manufacturing & GMP Quality Assurance

  2. TCM R&D

    TCM Clinical Trial, University TCM related R&D

  3. TCM Herbal Formulation R&D

    Herbal Formulation Development, Ministry of Health Registration and Approval

  4. TCM Professional Development & Executive Training

    Customised training programme, TCM Hospital Immersion Programme, TCM Workshop etc

  5. TCM Medical Devices Development & Data Science R&D

    TCM Medical Devices R&D, testing and validation

  6. TCM Technical Assistance

    TCM Medical Center Development Consultancy, TCM Hospital Development Consultancy, TCM Faculty Development & Training

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